My First Blog Post


In short, human intelligent design (pun intended) should play a major role in shaping the future of our interactions with each other, with forthcoming technological artefacts, and with the infoshpere we share amoung us and with them. After all, it is a sign of intelligence to make stupidity work for you.”

— Luciano Floridi, The Fourth Revolution: How the Infosphere is Reshaping Human Reality.

Weeks 1 and 2 in review. (INM348: Data, Information, Technologies and Applications Assignment)

The first thing that comes to mind, when contemplating my response to the first two weeks in this module was: ASSIMILATION!

I began my post graduate journey in a constant state of “assimilation”. At this point, I’m sure you are all thinking, “What is this crazy lady talking about?” Well, let me explain…

I have just moved 4,644 miles, from Norman, OK, USA to London, England. Thinking of myself as a “world traveler” I decided to meet my brother and his wife in Geneva for the weekend. Something like a last vacation before school begins. I have only been away from my family for a short period, but I was beginning to be a bit homesick and I wasn’t going to see them for a whole year. I found a cheap flight and a cheap hotel…perfect…. what could go wrong?

What a perfect weekend! Beautiful weather, the scenery was breathtaking, the food was delicious, and I got to watch some incredible tennis. Not to mention, I got to spend time with my big brother! Sadly, Sunday afternoon came too soon. John gave me one last hug goodbye and he was off to finish his European Vacation. I let out a visible sigh (maybe fighting back a few tears) and entered the Geneva Airport. I checked in my luggage, passed through security, picked up a few snacks, and entered the gate area. I sat down, ready to finish reading my last (fun) book before starting the fall term. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice several people moving toward the monitor showing our flight information and looking a bit puzzled. I remove my earbuds, trying to figure out what is going on. WAIT…. WHAT… my flight is being delayed…OH NO!


I take a deep breath. I will just be back later than expected. I need to call my friend (she will be worried if I don’t let her know), I need to check and see what time the Underground shuts down (will I be able to get home on one?), and I need to make sure that there isn’t a gate change (I don’t like to be late!). OK…now that I’ve taken care of all that…back to my book. WAIT….what now?….another delay?…


It’s going to be SO late when I land…I’m just going to take a taxi (or Uber)….I am going to be SO tired on my very first day of lectures…WAIT…WHAT?…..OH NO…MUCH WORSE…MY FLIGHT HAS BEEN CANCELED?


I can’t understand anything the announcer is saying…he is talking so fast…I don’t know what to do….or where to go…


Can I get on another flight tonight? I check a flight finder App on my phone; NO. All the other passengers are lining up to go back through the airport…I follow them…we get our luggage from the conveyer belt….we all line up at the information counter…. 160 people need hotel rooms…we all line up to get a taxi…the passengers that were given the same hotel accommodations are lined up….we wait for our room keys….ok…it’s very late now… I’m safe. I’m booked on a flight the next day….OH NO…I’m going to miss my first day of grad school!!


Who do I need to contact? What will happen to my visa? How will I get the notes?


OK… I’ve emailed my professors…I’ve let my friend know I won’t be home until tomorrow…It’s not the best way to start my classes…. but, I am safe and I will be fine.

So…here’s the 411 on my first 2 weeks of INM348 – Data, Information, Technologies, and Applications….ASSIMILATE!

Definition: assimilate (verb) to take in and incorporate as one’s own; absorb.

In our lectures, we have discussed each of the terms: Data, Information, Technologies, and Applications. I have read many informative articles and watched interesting videos of the terms. I have gone to the university library and checked out books on dealing with each of the terms. In the end….it all comes back to my (not-so-happy) airport experience and the word “assimilate”.

In the span of 6, very anxious hours, I had to use each of the terms we have been discussing. I needed data that had been collected, information that was given to me, technology that was mine (personally) and of airport, and then I had to apply them in order to assimilate.

It was not, by any means, my favorite experience; but as I reflect, I can say, without a doubt, that I truly understand (and appreciate) the way we can use: data, information, technology, and applications in our modern world.

This is the first post on my new blog. I’m just getting this new blog going, so stay tuned for more. Subscribe below to get notified when I post new updates.

3 thoughts on “My First Blog Post

  1. I’m reading more and more of our cohort’s blogs and realising we’re all feeling very similarly when it comes to our DITA discussions! Something which on paper looks like it ought to be so interesting actually comes out by making us question everything we thought we knew about the world. Onwards and upwards!


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